Wizard of New Project Creation
This wizard on the basis of the most common data about engine will
create file of input data, using the most known technical decisions accepted in
area of propulsion engineering. Thus it is becomes simpler not only a
process of input data entering but also the most difficult stage of
computational research: calibration of engine models. The last is especially
important for the engineers who are not having enough time and experimental data
for customizing of the program on object of research, and also for researchers
who makes express engine analysis.
The Wizard selects prototype data file from internal data base,
adjusts main dimensions of the engine parts corresponding with assigned cylinder
bore and nominal RPM, builds piston bowl shape and injector design being more
character for current kind of the engine as well assigns empirical coefficients
being character for the engine.
User just has to answer the questions listed below:

Fig. 1. Window with questions about the engine cycle and fuel.

Fig. 2. Window with questions about the engine design and cooling system.

Fig. 3. Window with main engine dimensions and speed.

Fig. 4. Window with questions about the engine application and environment.

Fig. 5. Window with questions about the engine boost, etc.
It is enough to create the template of data file. After user can modify all
input data corresponding with available information or perform engine analysis
using obtained data file as is.
Interface for piston bowl specification.
Piston bowl may be specified by main dimensions:

as well by coordinates of points; in last case the data base of bowls is

The injector design window allows specification of every spray direction in
both planes as well displacement of injector:

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